Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
At the tank. Gt is mightym00s3
Looking to do nf I'm a 304 Titan invite sloppysandwich4
Message Woodenbeebop10. I need one person. We are at the boss fight.
Need 2 for nightfall 305+ Msg Phantom Toilet
Need 2 for nf msg chickenslayer69 for invite already started
I'm at the boss, need 2
296 war for nf create or join nf gt AdeyMack :)
Need 1 for nf...msg for inv..gt same
304 hunter looking to do nightfall. Must have mic. Message BatedCypress for invite
Titan lf nightfall.
Need One for Nightfall. 312 Hunter
Need 1 at the boss's. Mics not needed just be a good level. Msg duckthor53 for inv
Running nightfall, message for inv
Could someone please invite me for a nightfall? I'm a level 300 Titan Thanks Gt: BirdEater
Need 2 for nf 300+ light
290 Titan on my 3rd looking to do NF msg or invite krissytag91
Nightfall need 2. +300 light.
Need one more 310+ for nightfall makes for easy run
Going to run all 3 of my characters. 305/Titan 312/Lock 311/Hunter. Gt same as above message for inv, need 2 more.
Need two for nightfall. Trying to run it 3 times so if you need too also awesome. If not no worries. Message me for an invite. Gt same as above
Need 2 at final bosses
Looking for NF raid team pick me up or just join and well find one more gt seymourbans 297 bubble titan
309 warlock looking for 2 nightfall
311 hunter LF nightfall, GT same as above.
Need 1 message me for inv
Edited by Bilbo Swaggons: 11/10/2015 6:50:18 PMNeed 2 for nightfall