Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Edited by Bilbo Swaggons: 11/10/2015 6:50:18 PMNeed 2 for nightfall
Need 1 more we've got to the final bit, message me
Need one 300+ for nightfall gt same above
300 hunter lf NF invite
Need two more for brothers
Need one 300+ for nightfall gt same above
313 hunter looking for nf team.
309 Titan Inv to NF Gt same
310 hunter message ninjabob2727
1 spot open at boss, already have 307 Hunter and 305 Titan msg The Lil Mrs
Need 2 for nightfall
309 Titan Gt same inv NF
Need 1 for nf at boss send message gt is same
Need 2 at bosses message tjs16 for invite
Need 2 for nightfall! 295+ message StarCaptain55 for inv!
Looking for 2 for nightfall, ask in game for inv.
316 and 312 Titan at boss need 1 more Gt ixi e c U a ixi
Need a team for nightfall msg me gt as name
2 people need to run nightfall 3 times on each character? Message ALPIN3 ST4R for an invite, please be over 290 light
Need 2 at bosses message tjs16 for invite
Hosting nightfall message for inv
Need one for brothers. Msg gt above for inv
Looking to do nf 3x invite me.. Gt is chelseawinners
need 1 for nf
Edited by DubsCantAim :/: 11/10/2015 6:36:44 PMNeed 2 for nightfall message me for inv gt same as above
Need one for nightfall