Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Nead 1 NF gt Abdullah Az
Need 1 for nightfall message ZA711 for invite.
310 warlock looking to do nightfall. Must have mic. message BatedCypress for invite.
Need two for nightfall hmu gt DUCKxNATION24
Need 2 for nightfall 300 + gt ARCHANGEL7142
Need help with nightfalls low in light just just watch and follow my stream I am helping people through night falls for 6 hours twitch.tv/xxitsjohnnyxx I will help 2 people at a time lets go get them loots
[quote][quote]Looking to run the nightfall. Warlock 300 invite DisturbingSnail[/quote][/quote]
Neeed one message class and light
Warlock 295 Same GT as above
Need one for nitefall same gt
Need one. Already started
Need two for 3 x nightfall run message quietcolt869716 for inv
300 hunter, need 2 for nightfall, Timmymallet888
Need 1 already started. Message iil hutch lii
need one for nf at tank message gt above for inv
307 Hunter looking for NF team. GT same as above. Inv ASAP!
302 Hunter lf nf gt aa1924
300 titan for nf. Have mic. Inv holycoheed
Edited by Lone Ninjer: 11/10/2015 5:34:20 PMInvite Lone Ninjer302 titan
317 warlock looking for two or a group!! Message me or invite me..
314 lock. Looking for night fall.
Need two for Nightfall. 312 Warlock
Looking for 1 to help. Message me on xbox for invite
314 lock LF nightfall. Inv sasi12
Need 2 for Nightfall Msg FoUr 20 GhoST
Need 2 for nightfall gt ElectricBlaze message for invite