Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Looking to do the nightfall 2 times I have a mic Warlock Light lvl 309 Gr xHARMSxWAYx
Need 2, no mic need, lookin to get it done quickly. Message x NRG Tactics x for an invite
Need 2 for nightfall Gt slacidHD already started
Need 2 for nightfall
Need [b]1[/b] more for [b]nightfall[/b] Message: [b]Jman Sharpshot[/b]
I need 1 for nightfall for the end to beat brothers send message on xbox for invite
Who wants to help me out on the nightfall. I'm a warlock at 300 + send me a message my gamertag is the same as above in all caps n ill invite you, Ive already started nightfall
Need people for nightfall, I'm already at the boss fight, message me for an invite
Looking for two others to do nightfall
312 Titan lf boss cp Sent me game inv xbQ
313 warlock looking for nightfall Message GT Mr Campana 414 for invite
Need 2 for nightfall. Gt XreesyboyX
311 hunter GT lee616 inv me
need 2 for nightfall gt above
Need people for nightfall message north1984
Need 1 for nightfall, at boss, message Wolfronswanson
Weekly nightfall need 1 more person message me your light for invite
Looking for a group to do the Nightfall. 297 Hunter Inv GT: Fist of Gerk
Need 1 for nightfall, GT same as name message in game for inv
Need 2, already at the boss, message for invite
303 hunter for nf. Have mic. Inv holycoheed
Need one for nf
Need one for nf msg gt above
Need one for nf...gt same...msg for inv
Need to for nightfall run I know how to glitch the end bosses Message same gamer tag for invite
Need 2 for nightfall. Msg gt above for inv. I'm 301 warlock. I'd you need one more member just shoot me an inv