Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
I'm running 3 nightfalls with my characters I need someone who will stick around for all 3 message wastedtroooer83 for invite
Looking to run NF three times massage McPikul for invite
Need 2 nightfall gt same
Need one for nightfall 306 hunter message iTecHniC x for inv
302 hunter Looking to do nightfall Invite Omega Gamer 21
312 Hunter looking to run NF. Send invite please!
At brothers need 1 more Message gt above
Need one for bosses msg lukepliskin11
At boss need one. Gt is eyptan 308 titan and 301 warlock
Lf 1 at boss for nf msg gt above
Looking to do the nightfall raid!! Hunter 303 Gt:bluekid87
293 warlock for nightfall gamertag same as above
307 warlock looking to run nightfall Gt:brian80B
302 hunter Looking to do nightfall Invite Omega Gamer 21
Level 40 299 light Gt same as above
At brothers need 2 more Message gt above for invite
Need 2 for nightfall 295+ msg XxXDEC1M4T0RXxX for inv
Need 1 for nightfall
Need two for nightfall only come if you have 3 characters to complete it on gt same as above msg on Xbox live
If anyone needs a extra person inv me or message me for inv I'm a 312 hunter optimized rain
Need 1 at boss
- Xbox one - Gamer tag: LND Aaron Message me or invite me on Xbox one
Need 1 for NF both 308+ Gt sir poutypants
Need two for nightfall send msg for inv
Running 2 nightfalls. Msg GT for inv