Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Running 2 nightfalls. Msg GT for inv
Need 1 for all 3 nightfalls message for invite same gt
315 hunter looking for nightfall. Plz invite
309 hunter looking for 2 message in game
Need two people for Nf. Please be 290 or above. Send me a Xbox message. Gt: kpino2008
Need two for nightfall only come if you have 3 characters to complete it on gt same as above msg on Xbox live
Need 2 for NF Light 310 Warlock Message GT: YeetYeetYABISH
304 lock looking to do nightfall 3 times gt is name
LFM NF Message Ghostin365 for inv
Need 2 for nf message me for invite gt same as above
Nightfall. 298 hunter. Got mike. GT same
Running 2 nightfalls. Msg GT for inv
Need 2 for nf running on 3 characters message sf Sierra for inv
Need 2 for nightfall don't need a mic I am at the tank
Nightfall. 298 hunter. GT same
LFM NF Message Ghostin365 for inv
304 lock looking to do nightfall 3 times gt is name
315 Titan looking for nightfall hmu Gt rockstarneely
293 warlock for nightfall gamertag same as above
311 warlock looking for night fall Gt as above send invt
Hey all, looking to do nf on xbox1. Inv ladyunic0rn or send message for inv
At boss need one more
[quote][quote]Looking to run the nightfall. Warlock 300 invite DisturbingSnail[/quote][/quote]
293 warlock for nightfall gamertag same as above
Need two on nightfall at boss stage. Gt same as above
Nightfall message me in game for invite