Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need two 305+ with Spindle for Nightfall. GT Mister Devoted
Need 2 300+
313 Titan looking to join a team to do the NF
307 hunter dr evils shark
Nightfall Need 1 Gt BigTaco78
Lf night fall inv me 312
Need to run nightfall twice GT Jeff Champion
Need one for nightfall message for inv gt Michalo13
Need 4 more for normal raid. Trying to finish fast so don't be no scrub. Message GT above
Need 2 for nightfall, message Spc fox for invite
Need 2 for nightfall message for an invite get as above
Need 1 for NF. Gt same
Need one for nf msg for inv gt as above
307 hunter trying to do nf need two message gt same as above
Warlock lf nf Inc Sokin88
298 Titan. Message tyylerbydesign or send invite.
Need 1 for Nightfall msg Adeezy04
310 Hunter looking for group for nf gt same
Need 2 for nf
312 warlock lf one more for nightfall message gt inki84
309 warlock for nightfall Invite me Gt Arbadon Khorne
293 titan need 2 nf name is same msg for inv
Looking for a group to run nightfall gt sloppysandwich4
If anyone wants me im a 305 titan. Send inv
Looking for a team. Send inv.
Need one for nightfall already started any light will do were both 310 + message demonicknight54 for invite