Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
313 warlock looking to do nightfall invite me. GT IS SAME AS NAME.
Gamble3000 298 warlock Nightfall
Hosting NF, need 1. Message on XBL
315 hunter wanting to do nf please invite Gt iminnet
Currently at work. What Iis this week's nightfall mission? What is the burn, if any? And what is today's Heroic Mission?
Need 2 for Nightfall, message on XBL.
Need one for NF gt above
Lfg 311 hunter Gt same as name
Nf Gt: JonteBK Hunter 295
Need 2 for NF 295 light or above Running it twice with two characters Msgs to DAN5047, on Xbox one
Need 1 for nf..at boss Gt Jokalude for invite
Need 1 for nightfall gt hazeyhaigh
Looking to join a group of 2. Gt salo7
Need 1 for Nightfall. Message GT above.
Need 1 more Msg Krushiin for an invite
Looking for 1 for Nightfall. Message GT above for invite.
305 titan looking for a quick run of Nightfall. I also need to run it on my 305 hunter. Message WickedxRaven on XBone.
314 hunter looking for nightfall. Inv ByCosta
Need 2 for mf msg for inv gt same as above
Looking for nightfall invite killzspree2013
Nightfall Gt: JonteBK Hunter 295
Invite 309 hunter nightfall
Looking to run NF 311 hunter. Inv Dunks80. I have mic
Lf 2 people that want to get the black spindle leave message here
Need 2 expierenced players to do nightfall! 300+ Message gt above
Starting Nightfall need 2 People Message me for inv