Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Starting Nightfall need 2 People Message me for inv
Looking for nightfall invite killzspree2013
313 titan looking for nightfall gt as above
Need to run the nightfall 3 times invite abaddon5325
Need 2 for nightfall 295+ I'm a 314 Warlock GT: Carbonite Flux
Looking fora couple people to run the nightfall with quick, message Krushiin for an invite
Edited by Big Batty Gyal: 11/10/2015 2:30:46 PMNeed two for nightfall Message a dying lesbian
Hunter light level 294 looking to do nightfall I have a mic gt Awoken Elf invite me if you doing one.
Hunter 310 looking to join for NF send inv to Kaos N Serenity
315 warlock for nf. gt: adown88
Need Two fore nightfall same gamertag as here
306 Warlock for NF send msg or inv experienced
306 hunter looking to do nightfall Gt same as above
looking for team to run nightfall 3 times quickly, I have 3 305+ characters, GT same as above
Need one for nightfall gt:bennyBXblanco
At boss need 2
Need 1 for nightfall, at boss
310 warlock Message gt above for inv
Need 2 for NF I've all ready started. Gt same as above the 0 is a o
Looking for two all character 300 plus to burn through nightfalls msg on xbox one gt same as above
At the end need 2 message abx7 for an invite
Need 2 for nf gt jellybeanmm Xbox one
Need 2 for nf gt jellybeanmm Xbox one
Msg for inv to nightfall need 2
295 warlock looking to join. No mic
Inv me for NF GT AS ABOVE LVL 296