Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Hosting NF message me for invite
Need 2 people for nightfall gt : Ogeta
Need two for nf 309 warlock
315 hunter lf nf, inv brainspiller1
310 hunter lf nightfall gt same as name
291 warlock for nightfall I have mic gt same as above
Need one more for night fall
Hosting night fall gamer tag same as above light doesn't matter just try to be fast
Looking for 2 peeps for nightfall 309 warlock message gt for i nvite
Need one more for night fall
Need 2 for nightfall message on xbox olny
312 titan looking for nighfall inv me
310 warlock looking for quick nightfall
311 Titan need 2 for nightfall message gt above for invite
Need 1 for nf msg gt echorde
Hosting NF message me for invite
Need 2 for nf message me on xbox for invt I'm already starting
Need 2 for nightfall gt same as above
Two characters both 310+ looking to do NF
293 Hunter looking for fresh nf. Message on Xbox.
300 warlock lfg nightfall inv sinisterx34
Hosting nightfall, need 2. GT: Ghostrick Touka
290 titan defender for nightfall gt above send inv.
Drumrboy23 Hunter 294
300 warlock lfg nightfall inv sinisterx34
302 hunter lf nf invite xxleoniteousxx