Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need 2 for nightfall
Need one for nightfall. Msg Narnz88 for invite. No mic
Need one for nf
Gt above 287 warlock
281 warlock gt is same
289 titan
Need two for nf gt turnkeydavon
299 hunter looking for nightfall.
Need2 for nightfall 311 hunter
Edited by ColdSw3at: 11/9/2015 6:33:04 AM304 Titan need 1 for nf Gt same or msg cyberneticotaku
297 hunter with 300+ weapons
Need 1 for nf msg Phyllissues for invite
295 hunter lfg NF gt is same
315 Titan need 2 for nightfall GT: U H8in
Need two for nightfall
304 Titan gt Rybones88
Need two for nf gt above. Or if need one invite me gt above
Looking to do a nightfall
Need 1 for NF gt above
Need 2 for nf msg Phyllissues for invite
Need a team for nightfall. Gt above. Invt me
314 wl lf 2 for Firewall mission
Need 2 for nightfall. Already started it. Message for invite. GT: GoCabalsD33P
310 hunter looking for 2 for nightfall
Running on my alt 293 warlock message leviathanswake for a add
304 titan lfg for nightfall.