Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
304 lookin to run nightfall message particularkitty for invite
Hosting. Message good1sean for invite.
Looking for 1 more msg me for inv gt same
Lv301 Titan looking for nightfall team gt Mindception Man
Experienced 300+ Hunter Lf NF. Invite Strick007
Lvl 283 hunter run nightfall inv gt above
309 warlock trying to run nf. Gt same as above
306 titan for nightfall inv gt above
Need two for nightfall Warlock 298 Gt above
310 lock lf invite gt same
Hunter 315 Gt - ItsATyvianRed
301 Titan looking for 300+ nightfall group. Inv me
Need 2 for nightfall, half way through Timmymallet888
LFG for nightfall. 303 warlock. Invite GT same as username.
301 Titan looking for 300+ nightfall group. Inv me
Need two for nightfall already started message me on xbox
Need 2 for nightfall msg me for inv gt is mkravetz04
Need 2 300+ for nightfall gt hallo789
Need one for NF. LL 300+ send message for invite.
Lv304 hunter looking for nightfall team gt Mindception Man
296 Hunter looking to run NF. Invite me: trk281
Need 2 for nightfall gt : Ogeta Must be 295 +
310 Titan looking for NF.
308 warlock needing NF Inv = i teknificent i
Edited by l Escaflowne l: 11/8/2015 7:33:52 PMNeed 1, 300+, if interested msg me on xbox1, already started
Need 2 for nf msg for invite halfway