Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
313 & 307 lf1m for Nightfall... msg Charlizzzle
NF , gt same 299 hunter
290 titan LF nightfall
Edited by ridgeback506413: 11/7/2015 8:31:04 AMNeed 2 at trenchworks, 298 warlock, msg at gt above. Edit: halfway through taken champions Edit: investigate anomaly...could use some help At rockets mcdickface anyone?
312 Hunter for nf
315 Titan need 2 to run through quick
Need 2 for NF message me on xbox live for invite
289 titan looking for game.
Lfg 302 hunter
306 light need one run Invite me please Same Gamertag XboxOne
Lfg 302 hunter
Edited by Gods baby toe: 11/7/2015 7:35:22 AM302 titan looking for nightfall gt Gods baby toe
312 & 307 lf1m for Nightfall... msg Charlizzzle
Of 2 for nf Gt same as above
307 warlock looking to speed nightfall. Gt:PBres1500. Be 300+
305/306 warlock looking for nightfall. Gt same as above
Of 2 for nf Gt same as above
293 Warlock LF Nightfall. Xbox One & Same GT. Invite please, xoxo thanksssss.
Looking for a NF run any takers
289 titan looking for nightfall team. Dont care if you have mic. Message in game for invite
aFarCryFromSane Lvl 40/294 Gunslinger Xbox ONE [platform] Seasoned FPS [player] looking for a crew to help me: MISSION OBJECTIVE: Finish Nightfall. If anyone would care to join me, send me an invite. Add me if you'd like. I'd like that. I'd like that a lot. ~ aFarCryFromSane "Enemy is EVERYWHERE!!!"
Not rice , herb green lets hk up for NF
Need one run on my warlock 307 light Same GT invite please XboxOne
Need two players to run nf x2 Herb grreen For fast easy smooth runs Msg for invite
Need 2 for nightfall im a 307 warlock message CordingOne
At boss gt same message 4 invite