Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
At boss gt same message 4 invite
Need two for nightfall I'm 298 warlock invite me please gt is same as above
304 hunter lfg nightfall Gt Live4him761 msg or inv
297 Titan. Need 2. At the middle (usually 3 Lt PART on the valus Taruc strike) CP. msg GT above.
314 titan looking for 2 more for nightfall. same gt as above.
Need 1300+ Gt DRTY AiyRAB
311 warlock looking for 1 or 2 people for nf. 295+ or whatever its easy
Need 300+ for nightfall. Msg PWNSTAR1979 for invite.
304 Titan looking to join a team for night fall Gt the name
Im a 315 hunter looking for 2 people to do the nightfall fall, possibly 3 times must be 310+
Anybody wanna do the nightfall send me an invite gt TrueWhiteFang
Need two players to run nf x2 Herb grreen For fast easy smooth runs Msg for invite
297 hunter looking for nightfall. Gt is above, invite if you need one more.
302 warlock need one for nf same gt msg for inv
305 warlock for nf gt SPR Newbury
Invt gt wifesgift
300 titan looking for two to do nf msg me gt same as above
310 hunter looking to do night fall gt same as username
302 Hunter starting nf. Msg me Gt: Metal Minx86
Need 1 for Nightfall Gt above Message for inv
310 hunter looking for 1 more to do nf Gt same as name msg for inv
293 titan looking for nightfall. Gt is above, invite if you need one more.
LF1 more nightfall
Need 1 for nightfall
299 lock lfg nf