Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Trying to get this nightfall done. Who's trying to to do it? Need 2 msg me.
306 Titan looking to join the nf Gt is the same
L Markiss L Invit Me 309 Hunter
Invite jazzdgp 303 Titan
Looking to join group for NF. 303 hunter, invite OrderOfDisorder
Titan 310 looking for nightfall. Invite me gt:flipcatt954
Need 1 for fresh nf message qu3stionmarc for invite
292 warlock for nightfall
314 titan 4 nightfallllll Message AK volume
309 hunter lf nightfall
313 hunter needs nightfall. GT: boomstickdog
296 warlock looking for group to do Weekly Nightfall Strike. I play on Xbox One and my GT is viral assassin8. Message me for invite or invite me please!
Join us 306 hunter INSANEDOMINANCE
Need 2 for nightfall Gt is above
Need 2 people for nightfall Xbox one - alexcowell2
Invite 304 titan
Need 2 for NF send msg gt above for inv
Nightfall 303 warlock. Gamertag: Sbz mf doom
310 Warlock Running Exotic Daily "No Time To Explain" I know how to do it an can walk you through. Message: sauciestcat007 For invite.
Need 1 more
Need 2 for nightfall gt above
Need two for nightfall msg Nightfury429 for inv
Need 2 NF
303 warlock looking to do nightfall gt same as above
301 lock lf nightfall