Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need 2 for nf Gt same 305 titan
316 hunter LF nightfall
Need 2 for nf run. Be at least 290
313 Hunter looking to Run NF
304 hunter looking to join nightfall. Inv budolicious in game
Need 2 for nightfall, msg gt same as above for invite
Need one for n f already in progress
305 hunter inv PlusBrutal
311 lock lfg for NF. Send inv.
Need 2 for Nightfall message: eh iM WOLF for invite
Need 1 more for nightfall gt same,as above
310 warlock for nightfall. Inv me please
294 lf nightfall Invite: neckutta
Need 1 more for nightfall, gt as above
300 warlock of group invite ZzMagicMan21zZ
97 Warlock LF NF Inv jt822
299 tiyan lf nf
At tanikis someone help. Message for inv
Need 2 for nightfall must be 300+ msg for invite
Need 1 more for nf gt above
306 Titan looking for Nightfall. GT: Moopeh
304 Titan, hammers and solar weapons. Looking for nightfall. I have a mic. Invite: Coffeegasm
307 hunter trying to do a NF. Invite me to game. Gamertag is BiggNasty84
299 hunter for nightfall Gt same send invite
305 hunter looking for a nightfall run. message lost senses.
Need 2 for nightfall GT same