Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
315 titan looking for NF Invite StackEmUp262
Need 2 for nightfall 314 titan. Message for invite
283 hunter no mic GT same
Need 1 for NF message gt woods9002
Need 1 for Oryx gt flyducky message for invite
303 hunter looking for nightfall gt tha f1nest
Lfg for nightfall 303 warlock send invite
Could use one for nightfall, anyone welcome. Gt: Paskode
313 titan for nightfall inv purewitz
Need 1 for nightfall. Msg ragter
I need two for nf
Gt^^^^ 311 Titan nightfall!! Woo
Need 2 for night fall Predatorus21
313 Titan looking for nightfall. Please invite. Sirpiteroth
300+ looking for NF Predatorus21
304 LF NF
313 titan for nightfall inv purewitz
Need one for nightfall
Need 2 for NF msg invite gt the same
295 warlock looking for group GT Bukshotbill
303 titan need two for nightfall
315 Titan need two do nf on 3 characters
I need two for nf
Started NF. Msg Rose Golden for inv
I need two for nf
Need 2 for nightfall. Gt same as above. Already in game. No mic needed