Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need 2 for nightfall. Gt same as above. Already in game. No mic needed
Running nightfall Msg RdeMxKaoS for inv
Starting NF, need 1, Send message on xbone to valmorphisis for inv
312 hunter. Inv Kratos Complex
Starting NF, need 2. Send message on xbone to valmorphisis for inv
308 Titan for NF invite DeLuzions x
308 Titan for NF invite DeLuzions x
304 titan sleepcoliDAfuzz is gamertag
307 Warlock looking to do nf Msg shadow 2348 for inv
304 titan looking for nightfall run invite me sleepcoliDAfuzz
308 Titan for NF invite DeLuzions x
Need 2 for nightfall already started message my gamertag it's the same
Need one for night fall message me for invite
Inv to nightfall 308 warlock with good weapons
Need 2 for nightfall. Gt same as above. Already in game. No mic needed
Looking to get my third character 306 hunter through the NF. Invite WholeWheatJunky
303 warlock Lf nightfall Inv metalhead666360 No Mic sorry
Nightfall? Message bob155 for invite
Techguy9312 309 Titan
Need 2 for nightfall Message Tier 1 Pr0ph3t
Need one for nightfall. Gt save as above
Need 2 for NF gt the same msg invite running it 2xs
293 Titan, quick run have 305 weps
Need one more for nightfall message as above
313 titan looking for nightfall. GT: Boomstickdog
Room for two. At end message for invite