Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need 1 for nightfall msg dj bobo082
Looking to do nightfall 3 times in a row. Message Fuegonator for an invite.
300 Titan LF nightfall
280 hunter looking for 2 for Nightfall message for invite
310 warlock inv
Need 2 4 heroic gt XBLUECHEVX
Need 2 for nf Gt above msg on live
Message trevwoh if you wanna join nightfall I'm already through some of it
Need 1 for nf gt above
294 titan looking for nightfall group
312 hunter looking for nightfall group. gt above
302 hunter for nightfall gt Punt a grunt
Need 2 for nightfall Msg sephen for inv
302 hunter for nightfall gt Punt a grunt
302 hunter for nightfall gt Punt a grunt
305 titan looking for nightfall team gt : rugdocter2
297 hunter invite cmill145
Need one for nightfall. Gt same as name. Msg for invite.
Anyone need one more for NF invite me GT B0DA 03
Need 2 290+ for nightfall message G THE RIPPA on live for invite
Fresh nightfall invite me
Need 1 for nf already started
LF1 Nightfall XboxOne PM Nickstrodamus
312 hunter need two people for nf
305 hunter looking for nightfall fireteam
299 Titan looking for NF group.