Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Doing the night fall will carry anyone send message
Need two for nf already started
314 Warlock looking for a Nightfall team Send game and party invite GT: xG4MExCRAV3Rx
313 lock looking for NF Invite COLDBL00DED24
Need 1.Gt same message for invite
Need 2 for a nightfall I'm a 305 hunter message me for invite included light level to please :)
Need 1 for weekly nightfall. Msg FaDe Massacre for inv
Need 1 for nf Message TheRedGladiator
297 titan for nightfall, invite to GT Namelesz1
Looking for a NF run
309 lock looking for nightfall
299 warlock looking for nightfall Invite awsomeincarnate
Need 1 for nightfall message The Phappened
Inv me gt same
Need 1 for nightfall message The Phappened
296 Hunter lfg
299 Hunter. Inv youcantcompete
Need 2 players for nf
Looking for nightfall team, 315 warlock
Nightfall on last boss need 2 message Gt: Zulu warlock
need 2 or an invite msg jonboyy6161
Warlock lfg. Invite Zordonzig
300 light titan looking for nf team inv or msg b3atm4ster
307 hunter gt same as above
313 hunter need 2 for Nightfall
297 titian looking for nightfall invite above