Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need 1 for nf already started
304 hunter lf nf
Need 2 for night fall gt same
Need 2 for nightfall. Send msg for invite
Need one more msg gt xxdabeastboixx nightfall
312 Titan looking for a quick nightfall run. Inv me.
297 hunter looking for NF inv gt is same
Need two for night fall Send msg to SpaceHii for inv
294 titan looking to do nightfall willing to do it twice I have a Hunter too
312 for night fall inv loudpac shawty
299 Light Warlock Looking For Nightfall Invite: Tentaclepanties
Need two for nightfall 300+ or raid lvl weapons msg me
Looking for fresh run. GT above.
Need 1 for fresh
Edited by ICE O39: 11/4/2015 11:31:12 PMNeed 2 for nightfall 285+, msg ice o39
Need 2 more 300+ for nightfall GT JohnTheGreat 25 Msg on XBL only thanks! Won't be talking cuz I don't feel like it Also playing on my lowest character 296 so yeah
need 2 to help finish the nightfall I'm halfway just need help with ads 310+ light only msg for invite gt same as above
Need 2 for nf no mic needed. Gt MrSerry
298 titan Lf nf Gt same as above
307 Warlock- Need 2 - GT Above
My friend is light lvl 260 and he needs a carry through the nightfall on Xbox one If any kind humans could help pls Msg MiNty x AK47
Edited by King_Taiiny: 11/4/2015 11:22:17 PMLooking to join a group for nf. 293 titan Gt is king taiiny
314 Titan looking for Nightfall, invite CRBN CRPNTR
306 titan. Need 2. At lieutenants. Msg for inv
Need 2 for NF message SluggGenes41
307 titan gt ShadowHunterNaK