Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Gt XDIGITAL SHOCKZ lv 300 titan looking for nightfall invite my gt above
Nightfall? 299 titan invite my gt XDIGITAL SHOCKZ
Need 2. GT same as above.
Looking to run nf 3 times Gt Jokalude for invite
312 hunter lf nightfall inv shadow of night
Edited by Abusedeams: 11/4/2015 9:57:10 PMI'm a 283 Titan looking for two on NF Message me at LilBro6969
Need 1 for nf Gt same
311 Hunter looking for nf
291 hunter invite twiztid in nola
Need 1 for nightfall gt same the 0 is a o
Need 1 experienced player with 295+ light for nf. Msg gt above for invite
Nightfall need 1 message me gt OG enraged
311 Hunter
Need two for nightfall msg I fifty I for an inv
Edited by supergaminginc: 11/4/2015 9:53:01 PMNightfall lvl 290+ must have a mic and must be experienced msg for invite
300 hunter for NF Invite same GT
Looking for a team. 40 warlock light 284 here. Very experienced. Message or invite Jazzkins
Need 2 for nightfall GT as above
Need 2 for nightfall already started
311 Hunter
Need 2 For NF , 3 Times Msg Gt Above or Inv
Need 2 305+ for nightfall. Msg gt above for inv
Need 1 for NF message SuperSweetIcedT for inv
Looking to run nf 2-3 times Gt Jokalude for invite
Need 2 running it 3 times gt > ActivistTube31
Need two for weekly NF. Msg me for inv. GT above.