Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need two for weekly NF. Msg me for inv. GT above.
Need 1 for nightfall gt same the 0 is a o
Need 1 more for nightfall
Need 1 for nightfall gt same the 0 is a o
Need one nightfall msg me
I need to run the nightfall 2x 300 titan and 305 hunter gt above
Need 1 for Nightfall
Edited by ChuckyT9: 11/4/2015 9:48:27 PMneed 1 for nightfall any character will do gt same
Level 308 Titan looking for nightfall. No mic bc kid is asleep. Gt littleitaly28
need one for nightfall message for invite
312 Hunter for nightfall.
306 warlock for nightfall. Must be 290+ message itzbabedawg for invite
298 Titan looking for Nightfall. Please invite gt=Novaks. Sorry no Mic
Looking to do nf with warlock. Send me a invite plz
Lf night fall. Lvl 40 titan light 300 etc... invite if need another got team. Gt^
Need one for nightfall message in game
Need 1 for WEEKLY. Msg GT: G aKa flaco for inv
Looking for two more, I'm already at trenchworks part. Send msg in game for invite
Need 2 for nightfall must be at least 295 msg me for invite
305 Hunter looking to do nightfall: invite GT: myinnerfatkid
292 hunter gt same
Looking for a team I'm a 308 warlock invite me.
Msg or invite Wess 2818, 299 titan
300 warlock looking for nightfall gt BigD1175
Need 2 message gt : supadank killa
Need 1 more. Already started. gt same as above.