Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need two msg on xbox please
311 warlock inv
315 Hunter LF 2 more for Nightfall Msg TheKillHill
In the last room before boss if anyone wants to join. GT is Rougaroo. Doing another 2 after this also if anyone fancies it.
290 hunter lf nf gt Mindstate02
296 hunter looking to do NF, gt as above
297 warlock looking to do the nightfall invite kingtoko55
Need one for nf gt same as above
294 hunter lf nf inv gt cogz40
Need 2 for nightfall gt SketchyPenguins
296 hunter looking to do NF, gt as above
Need one for nightfall massage for invite
299 Titan Looking for weekly nightfall Msg gt theo101rugby
298 hunter lf nightfall Msg lazbumm For inv. There is no 2 in my gt
Edited by TWEEKED206: 11/4/2015 8:14:47 PM309 warlock looking for nightfall gt above
Lvl 296 hunter looking to do nf
Need 1 for nf, ask for invite: MI1KYMOO
Anybody want to run a nf gt^^**^^^
304 titan looking for nf gt same as above
311t for nf...inv sro2004
Need 1 for nf
Need 2 for nf hmu on xbox
300 Titan gt youngbludz
Lf 2 more, 310h Gt: changgg
LF NF, 300 titan, invite to atomvol
298 Titan need 2 for nightfall. GT same as name