Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
311 need 2 for nightfall 300+
Need 2 for nf 308 warlock inv seifstain
312 warlock Need two for nightfall Already started gt same
Nightfall light 307 gt: xghost85x
Need one 305+ quick clear then g2g!!!
303 hunter send invite if doing nightfall gt : Psyren Void
Need 2 for nf 308 warlock inv seifstain
313 Titan for nightfall INVITE ME GT jaysteel4life
309 wlock needs invite..
297 lock lf nightfall gt ^^
Need 2 for nightfall gt SketchyPenguins
310 Titian invite
Need 2 for nightfall Message RedSpartanChris
2 needed 299+ light atleast Message on Xbox for invite Mic isn't required GT: H A R D O L F x
Need 2 for the nf gt above. I'm 310 Titan
295 lock
Inv me for nightfall. 306 Titan. Gt: the most epic
314 Warlock looking for Nightfall. Invite Zukazan
307 hunter
2 for nightfall GT - Arcana Maverick
314 titan looking to run night fall x3 Gt same as name above
314 titan looking to run nightfall on 3 characters, inv gt above.
314 titan w/ 315 spindle Looking to do NF x3 Invite me only if whole group is 295+ Message name above on Xbox one
285 warlock looking for nightfall group gamertag same as above
Need 2 for nightfall msg xjono83x
Need 1 NF GT MidnightClogger