Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need 1 NF GT MidnightClogger
292 titan need 2 nf name is same msg for inv
Need 2 to farm for the grasp of Malok pulse rifle in the will of Crota strike GT: iHavocHD Message me for invite
need 1 for nightfall
Looking for a team. I'm a warlock my light is 305
Need or for for nightfall , on boss message xminimedicx for invite
303 Hunter LF 2 for NF -- message for invite if interested.
Nightfall msg gt january mcmxcix for invite
looking for 1, 300+ with mic. MSG for invite gt same as above :D
293 titan for nightfall invite same gt
Need 2 for NF I've all ready started. Gt same as above the 0 is a o
Need 2 for NF I've all ready started. Gt same as above the 0 is a o
301 warlock LF 2 for NF -- message for invite if interested.
313 Titan looking for nighyfall. Invite Zukazan
289 Titan looking for nightfall plz inv
315 hunter looking for nightfall Inv Xelasblade
313 Titan looking for nighyfall. Invite Zukazan
Need 2 I'm upto the boss
Need 2 more for the NF I'm not using my mic currently but I can hear you I'm a 307 Titan Message gt: TBL Knight
Started nightfall need 2 msg xbox 4 invite
Need 1 for NF. GT: Its Richie Rich
310 Titan looking for 1 to do nightfall. GT same as above.
Need 2 for nf. Message same as above for invite
Needs two already in game
312 Hunter looking for nighyfall. Invite Zukazan
Lvl 295 Warlock looking to join night fall invite me on Xbox live BOUGHTinCHINA