Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
1 for NF. message GT above.
Kingjmar1987 hunter 295 ntfall send invite
309 Nightstalker looking for NF.
305 warlock for nightfall send inv Gt same as above
Need 2 for nightfall not on mic tonight 304 hunter invite Sportypms88
XboxOne Nightfall need a crew. 306 light message me online please for your invite thank you
Lookin for night fall message XBIGCOUNTRYZ 306 light
Need 2. 300+ msg me.
Need two for nightfall. Msg for inv
311 warlock lfg. Invite.
311 titan looking for a group to do the Nightfall. Gt Big Twin75
2 for NF. message GT above.
Need one more for nf
Lf1m nf!!! Msg GT above for INV
312 lock for nf send invite
Need 1 for NF in game !
Need 1 for NF, gt is same msg for invite
307 titan and 311 titan Need one Message for Inv
Need one message GT for invite
309 warlock lfg for nightfall
302 warlock looking for 2 players for nightfall msg kApalApa92 or invite thanks
Starting nf, message o blizzado for an inv.
Lvl 293 warlock. Need 2 for nf
303 hunter with ToM and BS looking for nf invite silentwarfare29
Invite 312 hunter for nightfall
308 warlock looking for nf