Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
308 warlock looking for nf
302 hunter looking to run nightfall. Message or inv
299 light lock looking for nightfall. Message or invite above gt.
Starting the nightfall Message jawsh foive for invite
At Valus need two for the cp, send msg for inv
311 titan lfg gt Big Twin75
Need two fast GT above.
Need 2 for nightfall, really quick run, 300+ Msg: aSilverGumyBear
Need 1 for nf msg gt dark materiai for inv thx Only chill dudes no squeakers
303 titan need team
Need 2 for nf already started gt same as above
Looking for one more near the end message on Xbox for invite
308 lock inv gt dark materiai
306 lock need 2 for NF send msg for inv gt same
310 warlock looking for nightfall. GT ToddJW
308 hunter looking for nf team gt Eddis0n
Need one for nightfall, be 300+ Gt: Avalon34
310 and 311 hunters Need 1 for nf Gt is same
Lf night fall. Lvl 40 titan light 300 etc... invite if need another got team. Gt^
305 titan looking to do nightfall inv jack aubry
305 lock looking for two on NF then get the black spindle if your down send msg for inv gt same
Lf team for nf, warlock 290+ I need do 3 nf. Can host or inv subseaAOS
Need 2 for nf. 284 Titan, already started. Gt same as above
291 warlock looking for nightfall
300 titan looking for game inv to do nf
Titan 298 light, looking for NF. No mic. GT:kevse7. Grimoire: 4445.