Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Normal fresh kings fall
306 warlock lf one for nf Gt is jg0ldz with a zero
302 titan looking to run nf. Msg archedian123 for invite
301 Titan for nightfall
308 hunter for nightfall
294 titan for nf send inv!
305 titan trying to do a nightfall. Invite to game. Gamertag is BiggNasty84.
Need 2 295+ for nightfall message qp ch1p qp
Need 1 for nightfall! Gt same as above
Need. 1 for nightfall
312 hunter
Light 291 warlock looking for invite to nightfall
Lvl 301 nightfall, inv gt is the same!
303 warlock need 2
304 titan looking to do Nightfall
Need 1 300+ Gt:The x Jenacide
Need 1 for nightfall. Message for invite. Gt same as above.
Need 2 more for nightfall pl msg me for invite same gt as above
302 Titan LF Nightfall group. GT same as above.
Need 2 guardians to run 3 Nightfalls send message on xbox1 to hey schblade
titan seeking a NF send invite to gt above
313 looking send invite to GT: stollas
307 warlock lookin for nf gt above
Looking for Nightfall 314 Hunter GT: Bakoyo
Edited by A 12 FOOT NINJA: 11/4/2015 2:35:19 AMNeed 2 for nightfall. GT rosscop007 293 hunter
302 titan for nightfall Inv gt : GSC 303