Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
303 warlock looking for nf group GT: deth lizard
Looking to join Fresh Weekly Nightfall XB1 INVITE ME ONLINE GT Rookygamerguy
Looking to join the game warlock 298 Gt : giesiu666
Looking to join Fresh Weekly Nightfall XB1 INVITE ME ONLINE GT Rookygamerguy
312 Titan need two people that want to run quick nightfalls on all of their characters.
Edited by Tarheelsbball50: 11/17/2015 9:54:10 PM
311 warlock looking to join nightfall
Starting a fresh Nightfall run. Msg for inv. Gt same as name.
Edited by K Jee: 11/17/2015 9:49:36 PMAlready started. 310 hunter. Message Loyal T KG for invite. Need 2
need one for nf. msg gnasty42 for invite
Need 1 for nightfall message gilagorf for invite
Need 2 for nightfall. GT Kilhaus.
308 warlock looking for 2. Message Aspect Saint for invite
Need 1 for nightfall message xz renegade on xbone
Need 2 for nightfall. Already at boss. Message Black Sheep TD for invite.
need 1 add me
303 warlock looking for nightfall. GT: Caine197
Warlock Looking for group Invite me please? Gt : Dinosaur Hazard
Need 1 for Nfall. Msg GT^^
Starting Fresh Hard Kings Fall need 5 310+ with snipers over 305+ must have ToM experience players only NO KIDS message GT above with your Light Level and Class for inv
Looking to join NF For three runs 311 warlock 307 hunter 307 Titan Invt me same gt above
need 1 4 nightfall
Need to run 3 nightfall's All characters are 305+ Gt: Jdm cb7 tx
307 warlock for nightfall gt hugh01
312 Titan looking to run the nightfall. If your group is 300+ invite me. GT: Wilsoc1
Need 2 for nightfall msg same gt