Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
312 warlock looking to join nightfall Inv gt - p4pa smurf x
I am 311 light need 3 nightfalls message me for inv gamer tag is mythicsecret725
315 Titan looking for nightfall
Need 2 for nf message AfroThunda1 for inv
Invite me I'm a 310 Titan
315 Warlock Looking for group to do NIGHTFALL. GT: Lord CMD Rios Invite Please
Need 2 for nf msg for inv GT above 305+ light please
313 looking to do nightfall Gt same
303 void hunter looking for nightfall
296 hunter inv mythic serg
Looking for two guardians for a NF run. Message me in game for an invite, GT same as above. I apologize in advance if I don't respond. It likely means the teams full, and we have begun.
Need 2 for nf msg for inv GT above 305+ light please
Need a nightfall team 290+ plz! GT same as above just send me a message on Xb1!!
Need 2 for nightfall message baronspecv
297 hunter. Invite Gt above for NF
304 hunter looking for nightfall. My mic doesn't work.
296 hunter inv mythic serg
Need 2 for quick nightfall 295+ light Message pubert FTW for invite
Looking to do fresh run NIGHTFALL LIGHT 301 TITAN SEND INVITE TO OCD173
Light298 Titan needs 2 msg skot1 for inv
Need one, doin 2 more nightfalls LouSaeNus on Xbox msg for invite
Need a team for nightfall Message me for inv lvl 301 warlock GT: GoT REEK
300ish Titan lf NF GT DOCLARK87
292 Titan message me XxBigDaddyMacXx
Need 1 more for nightfall message
Need 2 for nightfall. 305+