Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need 2 for nightfall. 305+
Need two for nightfall msg me on xbox one gt is above
I'm in
Need One Atleast 300 on boss.
316 warlock hosting NightFall Looking to speed run 305+ light High impact sniper First come first serve!!! Msg for invite GT : INVISION206
316 warlock hosting NightFall Looking to speed run 305+ light High impact sniper First come first serve!!! Msg for invite GT : INVISION206
307 titan needs 2 for nightfall. Gt above
316 warlock hosting NightFall Looking to speed run 305+ light High impact sniper First come first serve!!! Msg for invite GT : INVISION206
Need 2 for nightfall on xbox one Gt tooshortwill 293 Titan
Warlock 303 light. Looking for nightfall. Inv/msg same GT as above
Need 2 message me for inv on Xbox
Need 2 for the nightfall, GT is the same as above so message for a invite.
304 titan
303 titan for nightfall need one gt Punt a grunt
At the tank. Need 1 more. Message for inv
299 titan lf nightfall. Invite me
Need 1 for NF message ALL2EZY on Xbox one for invite
Lvl 296 Titan looking for two for nightfall. Pls message in game. Gt FLETCHUSC.
Doin 3 nightfalls. Msg for inv.
At the tank message in game for invite
Need 1 for nightfall half way through. MSSG for invite
inv for nf gt above
Need one for nightfall
Need 1 for nightfall, not picky, will take anyone who wants to run it. Msg W00lzy1 for inv. I'm 311 light.
Lf 2 for nightfall msg whosyodaddy1 for inv 310+
Looking for 1 for nightfall. Message me for invite. Have 2 300 Titans