Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Lv 40 Titan light 296
815 warlock looking for NF Invite StackEmUp262
305 warlock looking for nightfall. Inv me please.
310 warlock. Gt above send invite
Edited by StillCoughin: 11/3/2015 11:42:34 PM304 hunter looking to do nightfall Gt above, invite
Need 2 290+ NF gt same msg for inv
297 Titan looking for NF inv Prajabam f
Hosting fresh run 290+ please Msg Meytalhed with light and class for invite
Xbox one 309 Titan inv for nightfall Inv Hlfy with a L
Looking to do nightfall on all three characters. Must be 290+. Message itzbabedawg for invite
Need one on nightfall. Gt as above. thanks!
292 Hunter, gt CloudedBeef61
Need 2 for nf message me for inv gt above
Xbox one nightfall Gt tooshortwill 302 warlock
304 titan for nf, inv loyalchief00836
Warlock looking for nightfall. Send invite to masterbongsuuuu
306 hunter lf Nightfall xbox one. Gt is Downsize
311 Hunter lfg nf
I solo-ed it a little bit. So I'm a little bit done just join gt same
Invite derekthemule for nightfall. Thanks. 291 warlock
307 hunter looking to join a group. Gt same as above.
Need 4 for fresh run normal
303 warlock LF nightfall inv Gt C1everMoniker
Gt: AnorexicAthlete 301 hunter Looking for nightfall group
298 hunter looking for nightfall run. Add willy the kid
Need 2 for nightfall. My gt is above.