Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need 2 for nightfall. My gt is above.
Need one for nf. 300 plus. Msg gt kifurby for inv
303 warlock need 2 for nf. Need to do 3
309 titan looking to do nightfall
310 hunter looking for nightfall gt flyducky invite or message for invite
Looking for one 300+ for nightfall -kcbc13
Need one for nightfall already started msg rainstorm220 for inv
314 Titan looking for 2 for NF. Gt same as above. Msg for inv.
Need 2 for quick nightfall 295+ light Message pubert FTW for invite
298 titan looking to do nightfall, send inv to tfizzle152
313 titan LF nightfall message or invite
302 Hunter Need 1for nightfall be 300+ Must have mic Msg me on xbox1 for inv
Edited by Lew93x: 11/3/2015 11:19:02 PM298 Titan but with 310+ Weapons looking for nightfall Gamertag: Lew93x
Gt is Taylor c durden and I am currently soloing and I'm at where you defeat taken champions ie tank spawn, could use some help
Edited by OurWildebeest: 11/3/2015 11:56:21 PM303 hunter starting NF. Just did it wirh my titan, same deal as hunter: I will solo it if nobody joins, but the more the merrier. Not using a headset. I don't care what level you are, just know how to play. Message for invite. GT OurWildebeest
302 Titan looking for nightfall Gamertag N3cr0 Sh4de
Need one at boss
Need two for nightfall I am a 312 Titan must be 305+
311 LL Hunter LF nightfall Invite gt Silahsor
Need 2 , 295+ , message GT above for invite.
Need one more for NF Gt PAYN3Y95 on boss
297 hunter for nf, msg or invite me gt is above. Xb1
311 hunter loking for team. gt same. send invite please.
At valus now. Message "forevergone" for an invite.
Need one for nightfall message ferrante240