Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need 1 for 2 nightfalls
312 titan lf nightfall invite nerdyrabbit
Flame2k Titan 314 Need 2 for Nightfall
313 - Warlock LF - NF Gt - Scotty 7th Plat - XB1 Must be 18+ Must have mic Send invite :-)
Need 2 for nightfall message Fisticuffs 87 on xbox1 for invite!
We need one more for nf Msg dragon mink for invite
Gt lurek
296 Titan message for invite for nightfall
301 hunter inv PlusBrutal
Need one more for nightfall Have 300 warlock and 303 Titan Message QU33N KA0S for invite :)
Need 2 for nightfall. 305+ light. message blessthesirenz for invite.
40/295 warlock NO MIC looking for NF send inv
Need one 300+.....we already started....message Gruney10
308 titan looking for an invite to nightfall gt same as above
Need 2 for nightfall Gt same as above At least 295 light
Lfg 302 hunter with tom gt is the same
Need one for NF msg andrewbrown117 for inv
Need one for nighfall 300+ light send gabbaman message for invite already half way through
NEED 1 MORE NORMAL RAID GT lil jimmysensei
Edited by Stoog13: 11/3/2015 10:32:15 PMMessage Stoog13 need 2 for Nightfall 298+
Need one for nightfall. Msg on Xbox one for Inv.
294 hunter looking for group
I'm a 295 titan in nightfall solo I need help Heartsorelion11
312 warlock looking to do nightfall, inv dat20piece
Need 1 player for NF 295+ plz same GT msg me
Nf started already, message for invite gt above