Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
295 lock looking for NF inv Prajabam f
Need 1 more person almost to boss message CYBERUS PRIME for invite
305 warlock looking for 2 msg same gt for inv
Need 2 for nightfall im on final part message H2B FEAR3D xbox one
311 hunter trying to do nightfall
Need 2 for nightfall 295+ msg for invite
308 Lock looking for nightfall run quick. GT Nifarius.
306 warlock for nightfall gt hugh01
Need 2 for nightfall message me for inv gt same as above^
313 hunter looking for nightfall. Gt: iidustin
310 hunter need one for nf No mic Msg ii strag jr ii for inv
need 2 for nightfall message MY DESTLNY for invite. and yes that's an L.
Need 2 for nightfall message Fisticuffs 87 on xbox1 for invite!
312 hunter LF nightfall invite Uchiha Nova
Need 2 msg gt smokey4337
need 2 for nightfall 303 hunter msg:xxbihramboxx
Need 2 for nightfall. At taken champion where the tank was before TTK. Message in game. Please be 290+
Need two for nightfall. Msg Clarky426 for inv
310 hunter need two for nf No mic Msg ii strag jr ii for inv
308 warlock looking for Nightfall...GT same as above
Need 1 msg Tyrant462 for inv
need 2 for nightfall message MY DESTLNY for invite. and yes that's an L.
304 Titan looking to do nightfall inv me
Need 2 for nightfall, msg gt above for inv
Looking for 2 for nightfall. Message Tyrant462
need 2 for nightfall message MY DESTLNY for invite. and yes that's an L.