Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
need 2 for nightfall message MY DESTLNY for invite. and yes that's an L.
310 hunter Gt zpreduhter
295 warlock, no mic. Name same as above
Need 2 for nf Gt same as above
Anyone down to do 2 or 3 nightfalls with an old man lol... im 29 an all my characters r 295 at least maybe 293 at lowest.. message me on xbox one michaelmead86 gamertag. I won't answer message on here sorry. I jus wanna run them quickly
Need 2 for nf Msg on xbx for inv Gt arousinginsults
312 hunter gt dizzy72nhp
Warlock 308... need two good players for quick NF run msg gt same as above for invite on xb1
312 hunter looking for nightfall. Invite Twistmatic.
Send invite same gt
[b]311 hunter[/b] LFG on nightfall Msg or invite... lickwid elite
Need 2 for nf
At boss msg for inv
304 Hunter looking to do nightfall message or invite CYBERUS PRIME
1 for nightfall msg gt
304 hunter Invite windtalka
Need 2 300+ almost at boss msg for inv
301 titan looking to do the nightfall
Need 2 for nf 300+
Edited by Novaks: 11/3/2015 9:57:41 PM298 Titan looking for Nightfall. Please invite gt=Novaks. Sorry no mic
Inv Savagetrappking
Lvl 40 309 hunter looking for nightfall have good weapons and know what to do invite gt selfsoawesome
Gt sceatz 310 Titan looking for nightfall
308 hunter need 2 for nightfall 300+
313 lock GT same as above
NEED 2 FOR NF message Andy34x dont care what light level you are