Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need one 300+ for nf
Need 1 for nightfall must be 305+ message for invite
Need 1 for nightfall, GT's same as above, msg for inv
298 defender Titan looking for nightfall
310 gt is x cryptarch x
Need 2 for NF message WatsDdelio on Xbox 1 for invite not on App
Need two for nf msg me on xbox
Need 2 for nightfall. Going to be running it 3 times, if you need to run it more, awesome. If not, awesome. Just message GT above for Inv.
302 hunter/warlock lfg for nightfall msg or add me at Theorigi
Need 2 for nightfall message Ox Jack xD for invite
Gt: The BiG WiLLAY NEED 2 or add me
LVL 313 Hunter GT is ErwinGames
Need a couple for NF GT same as above
299 hunter looking for NF
Need 2 for nightfall Gt is cloganogs Must have300 plus light and have good guns
Need 2 for nf gt as above
Need 2 for nf. Msg me for an invite. Gt same as above.
Need 2 for NF. I have a checkpoint. Msg DrunkElephant85 for invite
301 warlock looking for nightfall group GT as above.
309 Titan looking for one more SlaughterHse301
Need 1 more Gt above
Need 1 for night fall must be 310+ message for invite
Nightfall I have 2 characters I need to run Titan 312 & warlock 310 invite me
Need 1 for night message me in game
Need one for nightfall message firebolt28
Need 2, allready started