Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need one for nightfall Please be 295+ and have good weapons gt - finelete
311 warlock lfg nf gt:rickisrude
Need 2 for nightfall. 313 hunter, message gt Craig Ragez for invite
Nightfall x3 gt Johnston829x
Need one for nightfall. Messege gamertag above
Looking or nightfall Send a invite gamer tag Ancient of day 305 Titan
Need 2, Night Fall
Hosting nightfall, message DHG instincts for invite
Need one, msg me for invite Gt: DeviousKaiser 304 warlock
Need 1 for nf msg me for INV gt same as above
311 hunter looking for nightfall Gt. Arg66
310 warlock looking for nf. Gt is same as sn
Need one for nightfall Please be 295+ and have good weapons gt - finelete
308 Titan looking for 2 message WherezUrSkill for invite
295 Titan look(ng to join nightfall gt same
305 lock looking to run the NF. No mic b/c I really don't feel like talking. Gt same as name
307 hunter Looking for 2 for nf, message on live for invite, gt same as above
Looking to do nf Please invite gt same as above
Need one more. I already started
Hosting nightfall gonna run all three characters if you need them I'm your guy! Message on xb1 for invite gt same as name
Edited by SP3K7RUM: 11/3/2015 6:36:08 PMLF 1 for NF message for inv.
314 hunt looking to do nightfall invite me gt same as name
Need 2 for nf gt above
Titan LFG nightfall. Pls send invite
304 hunter looking to run the NF. No mic b/c I really don't feel like talking. Gt same as name
Need 1, already started. 300+