Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need one Gt is same as above
304 Titan Nathan 122
I'm a 312 hunter looking to run the NF. I have black spindle and touch of malice. My GT is the same as above. Thank you
Need two for nightfall 287 warlock message or invite 👉xLouisianimal3x
310 Titan need 2 more for nightfall 305+ msg gerg2125
Need 1, message on xbox for invite
Titan 295 looking for NF.... inv. GT: OpD I Blackhawk
Need 2 300+ for nightfall, let's do this, GT: hgv11
304 Titan Nathan 122
Warlock LFG nightfall. Pls send invite
312 Titan / 306 Hunter / 308 Warlock Need to run 3 NFs. 300+ only with mic Message Trill Elite93 for inv
305 warlock Looking for group for nightfall Invite gt above
295 warlock looking for nightfall invite WaRV3NOM
296 hunter
Need 2 for nightfall, doesn't matter what light msg gt above for inv
Need 2 for nightfall, msg gt above for inv
need 2 for nightfall msg contaminate the o is a zero
297 titan lf nf gt aa1924
311 warlock looking for nf. Gt same snd inv
Need 2 for nightfall. Already started. Msg gt above with class and lvl for invite
•Doing Nightfall 3 Times •285+ •Message Tbh James
312 Titan looking to do the nightfall. Invite GT: Wilsoc1
314 hunter looking for a nightfall
300 titan for nf. Have mic. Inv holycoheed
Need 2 msg for inv
Edited by UnevenDragoon: 11/3/2015 5:38:35 PMNeed two for nightfall. I'm past the first part. Msg for invite. Gt same as above. I'm a 296 hunter. Must me 270+