Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need 2 for nightfall mag me for a invite
Need 2 for nightfall message gt above for invite
296 hunter need invite to nightfall Invite: Ultrathub2
Need 2 for nf running 3 times message sF Sierra for inv need mic
Need 2 for nightfall -295 minimum light -strong secondary for the burn -mic (Kinect doesn't count) Msg "xX Kanuck Xx" for an invite
Need 2 for nightfall GT Brick626
306 Hunter looking to join team for NF. Invite me if you need one more player. Dont have a mic right now but I know what to do and I am a teamplayer. GT: vvv amnesia vvv Xboxone
300 warlock NF GT lil jimmysensei
Need 2 for nightfall to maybe do it more then once message on Xbox for invite!?!?
295 Titan looking for NF have mic.. Invite gt harlaquin101
need one more mgs XyZ x legacy LL for inv
Looking for 2 to do the nightfall, msg Krushiin for an invite
Need 2 for nf msg for invite
312 warlock lfg. Msg in game.
Edited by WARGASM5544: 11/3/2015 4:13:05 PMNeed 1 good players for nightfall invite XDIGITAL SHOCKZ must have a mic
Need 1 for nightfall Gt same as above Its an i in my gt
297 warlock for nf gt AdeyMack :)
Guardians! 304 warlock here go by the name of "Leo flash89".... I'm cornered in the nightfall and need backup heroes! Come quick... I don't have much time....
Need 2 for NF. Already started message for invite. GT same as above
Need 2 for nightfall. I'm a 303 titan. Msg gt SangheiliUltra0 for inv
303 warlock for nightfall invite gt above
need 1 for nf messege gt heads a shed for inv
Need 2 for nightfall msg me gt same as above
Need 2 for nightfall send ingame mssg to viiegend hert
Need 2 for nf. GT same as name.
Looking to do nightfall - 297 warlock GT is WesterosKingdom