Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need 1 for nightfall
Msg me gt carnage fusion
Need one more for nightfall, message for invite, gt same as above
306 Titan LF 2 for NF -- message for invite if interested.
310 warlock Gt waysidecoyote0
Guardians! 307 Titan here, I've been cornered in the nightfall and need reinforcements! I go by the name of "Leo flash89".... Hurry guardians... I'm cornered and don't have much time!!!
303 hunter for nightfall invite same gt
Need 2 for NF, no mike needed, gt same as above
313 warlock looking for 2 305+ for nightfall
307 hunter looking for group to do Weekly Nightfall Strike! I play on Xbox One and my GT is viral assassin8. Message me for invite or invite me please!
Need two for nightfall 307 Warnock message N3PTuneX for invite
Invite for Nightfall
Inv 308 titan this is my third run this reset for nf Gt: Nuklearpineaple
305 Hunter. Same gt
Inv for nightfall. Need 2 runs
295 warlock looking for nf. Message or invite gt above.
Message K Weavie for nightfall. Need two!
311 warlock gt xROSEx
313 Titan. Inv me :) Gt: Li4moftroy
Need 2 nightfall message GT madmax278
Light 296, looking for nightfall, invite me. Gt same as here
Need 1 for nightfall message name above for inv
303 warlock lfg Invite me GT same
Msg me gt carnage fusion
Got 2 o ver 305light....Need one to run múltiple characters on nightfall...message on console light and class
301 Hunter LF nightfall gt is as above