Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
301 Hunter LF nightfall gt is as above
Level 294 Titan hosting nightfall No mic tho Message me on Xbox one Same as GT
308 hunter LFG Gt sir poutypants
Need 2 for nf send msg on Xbox gt above
303 hunter
311 hunter Inv me Gt same as above
308 Titan lfg invite Mr Hegel Bagel
Almost at the last boss join up if you need to complete it, 2 spaces gt same as name
300 hunter looking for 2. Msg chuck8404 for invite
hosting nightfall, msg above gt for inv
300 hunter looking for 2. Msg chuck8404 for invite
Need 1 for NF be experienced and above 300 light GT same as above
*READ ALL REQUIRMENTS* Looking to do NF 3 times Need 2 300+ Only for NF Be good Looking to get it done fast Have good weapons Send message to Its Nsty for an Invite
Need 2 for nf Half way through already
311 hunter LF nightfall Gt same as above in me
300 titan looking for nf I do not have a mic inv me gt: same as above
312 warlock looking for nightfall gt as above
Looking for 1 person 300+ nightfall gt as above
Need 2 for nightfall on 2nd part message gt : an9eleyes88 for invite
309 warlock Gt above
Need 2 message me for invite luna pandas
Need 2 for night fall message gt Rayner585 for invite
My gt is SUBZEROxSOLDIER. I'm a 314 warlock with a mic and full set raid gear. Looking for nightfall x3 :-) invite
Need 2 for nightfall must be 300+ message Deftonezombiesx for a invite on Xbox one
309 hunter for nightfall I have a mic invite me XBOX ONE
Looking for 2 more for nightfall. GT same as above for invite. Must at least be able to have a laugh and know that deaths do occur.