Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
308 hunter lf group invite ALL WHITE NINJA
302 Titan, got no mic invite me for nightfall quick. GT SpartanG28
Need 2 message me for invite luna pandas
312 warlock looking for night fall Invite GT: Fabricsofteners
Need 2 for nf Msg mccheezzyy
308 Titan just started need 2
Edited by mikedees10: 11/3/2015 1:08:58 PMneed 2 for nf ill be doing on 3 characters so idf u want to do all 3 message above.
297 hunter looking for nightfall.
Need 2 for nightfall 282 Titan 3rd character Gt same as above Msg for invite Must have mic
303 inv
296 Titan looking to do nightfall Add ascendantbarrin
I have 3 toons that needs nf
309 Titan. At the end of the nightfall. Message me for invite.
298 Titan, at the end of the nightfall fighting the boss by myself, need 2 people, Gt: PaPa Chubbiezzz
308 warlock looking for nightfall group Gt same as above
Need two for nightfall
Edited by BANANAlasers: 11/3/2015 1:04:08 PMNeed 2 msg for invite Already started
Need 2. Msg for inv gt is name
303 warlock looking to do nightfall inv or msg c1rc4p0wnz
Need 2 for boss
One more for nightfall msg me
308 titan lf nightfall gt same as above
Looking to do night fall I have a titan 284 maybe higher and a warlock 300. Gt same as above invite me or message me for invite so that I can host a team.
Need 2. I'm already mid-strike. Message me for invite
299 Titan Looking for nightfall GT: Twstd Phllyz98
308 warlock for nightfall Must be over 300 Message biggunschad for invite