Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
308 warlock for nightfall Must be over 300 Message biggunschad for invite
309 Titan can take 2 more GT same 295 and up plz
Need 1
Doing multiple nightfalls. Message for invite or invite me. IrritatedJeans 304 hunter
Lvl 40 hunter 294 light Lookin for nightfall Gt same
309 Hunter looking for nf Send me an invite
Need one . Message Pixis2
300 hunter for nf gt forgivingsole send invite
Nightfall x3 need 2
lvl 299 hunter LF nightfall. GT same.
Need 2 , Gt: AlphaHc msg me for inv First come first serve
Can someone tell me what the nightfall is and what burns plz and thankyou
Need one more for nightfall
Looking for one for nightfall Xbox one. Msg for inv
Looking for nightfall group
Starting a nite fall need 2
Inv biddlybongwong 313 Titan
Im starting Nightfall Need 2 mates Im Titan Message me for inv
Need two for nightfall message me
Inv for nightfall last one 312 hunter
299 Titan starting a nf. Gonna make it a quick one. Pst to join
304 warlock looking to jump in on a nightfall inv me on xbl.
311 Hunter. Message: LL U S LK
**NIGHTFALL** Running on all 3 characters back to back to back. All 3 are 307+ I will solo it until people join up. If anyone leaves ill just keep inviting people on my messages list until all runs are done. Message ses da machine for invite.
Lvl40 light 300 hunter looking for nightfall inv gt: F4tz 89
311 warlock for nightfall msg chuck8404 for invite. Need 2.