Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
306 Warlock LF NF Please invite rob13f
Looking for 2 to do nightfall three times. Gt same as above
Need 1.
313 aarlock looking for team
Need one more for NF. Need to do it two more times. Message me for invite hunterddog3
Need 2 already started gear up jump in asap gt same mesg for invite
Need one for nf message me for invite
311 warlock looking for team
314 Titan needs 2 for nightfall
Running nightfall 3 times drop gt for invite
Hunter 293 looking to join nightfall group. GT Rooster 10k
Need two for fresh run msg for invite GT same as above
302 titan for nf
Need 2 people 305+ to run it on a few characters! Message GT above for invite
Need 2 for nf message DEVILHAWKEYE for inv
Need two more for the nightfall, message for invite. Have multiple characters I need to run it on.
What is it this week?
Invite me for nightfall 309 Titan gt as above
313 light hunter for nf would appreciate a inv Gt same as above
Looking for a group willing to carry a 275 warlock through nightfall. I have 300+ weapons. Invite me GT: PestyPlays
Need 2 for nf gt same as above
Need 2 for nightfall join if you want a mid way threw point
Lvl 40 warlock. Light 301. Same gt.
Need two for nightfall message LADD2
305 hunter hosting NF already underway Msg GT "An Angry Vicar" for invite
313 Hunter need one for nightfall already started. Msg for inv gt is the same