Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need 2
311 titan inv rellokiing
310 warlock
Need 2 for nightfall Gt same as above
305 Titan message me if you need one GT: barterblackeye1
Hunter 298 light Send inv gt same as above D (#1) R E W (#0) L F (#3)
309 titan for nightfall. Inv MillerTime669
Need 2 298 warlock msg gt same as above
Looking to join. Message Jitterthug007
Nightfall Gamer tag Ss 1o1
Lvl 291 hunter Gt same
Need 1 already started
304 titan don't have mic but its not that hard inv gt above
Need 1 for nightfall Gamertag- OMG 1T5 N1CK
Warlock- light 297... Looking to do Nightfall Gt: M35T4Ri
Running nightfall solo atm. 280 warlock. Anybody 280+ welcome. Msg C0LT0N 42O the o's in Colton are zeros the zero in 420 is a capital o.
314 titan for NF gt same, i not L
Need 2 Gamertag- OMG 1T5 N1CK
Need 2 for nightfall. GT Camp Nowhere
Warlock- light 297... Looking to do Nightfall Gt: M35T4Ri
Lvl 296 Titan looking for a team to nightfall. (NO mic ) For invite msg me on xbox1 Gamertag: youngestMohsen NEED 1 more to JOIN
Need 2 for nightfall. Msg Artemis Stark for invite.
Need 1 for NF. Message Descend34 for invite
Lvl 296 Titan looking for a team to nightfall. (NO mic ) For invite msg me on xbox1 Gamertag: youngestMohsen
298 Warlock GT same as above. Looking for Nightfall. Message or invite if interested in helping out.
Need 1 for nightfall already started msg explod1ngzombie for invite..