Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
280 titan looking fot nightfall team. GT is same as name above send invite
Need 2 for nightfall gt is goater1220
Room for one on nf Message N3cr0 Sh4de for invite
Need one more for nightfall
Need 2 nightfall still. GT theytookerjubs
300 titan looking for nightfall Gamertag N3cr0 Sh4de
309 Titan looking to do NF Invite Irish shmurda
Need 2 for nf. Msg ingame for invite :-)
Need 2 for nf
Need 2 for night fall message lordautism
309 looking to do nightfall GT: Tichoss
Setting up a nightfall! Message gt el monty88 for invite!
Hunter with 310 light. Send invite for me to join Nightfall.
Starting a nf run, room for two, I'll have started already, message for invite
If you are a noob and need help with the raid message me for an invite must be above 290
Need one, have started already, message fighting drunk
Starting a nightfall run, room for 2, I'll have started so message for invite
Need one. GT: I Pished Myself Message for invite.
Need 2 for trials relaxed just going for bounties msg for invite GT same as above
Invite for nightfall
titan 310 need 2 People for nightfall , GT same as above or invite to team
297 titan looking for NF have void heavy. No mic but can hear and listen well GT: kevse7 Grimoire: 4447.
Running a NF before bed. Join our message for invite.
Looking for team to do nightfall
300 hunter looking to join nf group inv please
Looking for two for nf. Already started. Message LadyCapped