Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need one for nightfall. Message stinkcrevice for inv
311 hunter looking for nightfall inv stinkcrevice
Need 2 for NF already half way threw msg me for inv gt same as name
Looking for one more for nightfall. Gt DARK REDX 25
Need 2 for nightfall must be 300+ message wingedguardian7 for invite
309 warlock and 311 titan Need one for nightfall. GT DigitalEye02
Need 2
311 hunter LF NF
303 warlock lfg to do nightfall. GT above
Need 2 for NF send in game message. GT same as above.
Hunter- light 297,looking to do Nightfall Gt: M35T4Ri
Hunter 299 light looking for a NF . No mic but can hear and listen well. GT: kevse7 Grimoire: 4445 .
291 Titan, with 310 gear. Touch of Malice, Suros, 300 sniper. Inv me. Rjn978
Hunter with 310 light. Send invite for me to join.
301 hunter looking for nf run. Message for invite or invite me. Gt: highfly94
312 Titan already halfway through nightfall. Need two. Send stinkcrevice message for inv
300 Titan needs 2 for NF. message mmthelastavatar
Need 2 for Nightfall Msg in game GT above
Edited by LazloTheGeek: 11/2/2015 4:45:16 AMInv LazloTheGeek for weekly nightfall
Inv pls gt ps3pimpin
Got two for nightfall. 285 titan and 283 hunter looking for 3rd. Message me for invite
295 hunter and Titan looking for one for NF third time doing it message for inv
Need 1 for nightfall message for inv
299 hunter lf nightfall. Invite me or message me and I'll invite you. Gt same as above
Light 310 in game looking to carry 2 people for nightfall message macmaniac77 for inv
Need 2 for nightfall