Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need 2 for nightfall
309 hunter lfg nightfall Inv pengintamer
Need 1 for nightfall. Message for invite. GT: TheMasterCanyon
Need 2 for NF Message INitrous v for invite
Need 2 for nightfall. Msg Red Fury013 for invite.
314 Titan. Invite me and we will woop his ass quick
310 Titan. Looking to do nightfall. Gt above send invite
Need one for Nightfall Msg CROP BOSS
Looking for team for nightfall. Msg on xbox Gt same as above
need 1 more for nightfall already started!
Looking for one for nightfall all ready started message for inv
299 warlock GT: Apex Predatorrz
297 nightfall
Oryx normal join now
302 hunter for nightfall Plumz v2
Looking for a team Gt DARK REDX 25 Titan light 311
Need 2 for nightfall I'm looking to do all 3 Msg for inv
Need 2 or a group for NF Im 314 titan gt same as above
311 warlock with weapons needs a NF. Invite maahfu
Need two for nightfall message codeyr
295 Hunter. send invite
Need 2 285+ with void weapons for nightfall. Message GT above (in game) for invt.
need 2 message gt same as above
Hosting, message good1sean for invite.
301 warlock lfg inv sinisterx34
Starting a nightfall. Msg total torture for invite